Monday, March 2, 2009

下半辈子 The More Half Generation

"嘿...变成大人才知道, 光着脚到不了的地方...

嘿 不再冒险犯难了, 放开了梦想追求成功

要拼到第几回合, 能不能 够不够 我不知道
想一想下半辈子, 这么过 有点糟

也许男人只是不知道, 什么时候应该求饶

要爱到第几个人, 停一停 看一看 是个问号
只能等下半辈子, 一起哭 一起笑
好好听听自已的心跳, 人生不算无可救药
我这一辈子总要, 为自已烦恼..."

Now i only realize what's the meaning about this songs...
actually become adult is really difficult...
have to facing everything that impossible...
time's just like a gold or like a money...
so have to more hardworking to learn everything or do everything...

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